Monday, November 30, 2015

Math Lesson Example


Name:  _Andrea/ Irma / Tanya________________________ Section:  _____5______

Subject: __Math_________________                                     Grade Level: ____1st_____               

Title of Lesson: ____Addition Competition______________


Establishing the Lesson Framework

Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills: 111.3 grade 1 (b) knowledge and skills. (3) Numbers and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies for whole number addition and subtraction computations in order to solve problems.  The student is expected to (E) explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 20 using spoken words, objects, pictorial models, and  number sentences; and

Objective(s): The student will decompose and compose whole numbers 1 to 20.

Rationale for teaching this lesson: The student will be playing a game where they will have to calculate a set of numbers to get a certain sum and they have to be able to problem solve and become fluent in number manipulation.

Content Area Literacy Strategy/Rationale for choosing a specific strategy: Number operation, student needs to know that numbers are just symbols that represent an amount and that no matter how you manipulate them they remain the same value. Kahoot will be used as an assessment tool.

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS): (c) Cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills. (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning strategies. (A) use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English;

Evaluation Strategies

Pre- Assessment:  (must be done day/s before actually teaching the lesson)

Formative Assessment(s):  (Try to use a variety of formative assessments throughout the lesson.  List all types of formative assessments you will use during this lesson.)

Summative/Post Assessment: (Measures how much students learned from your teaching. Include Rubric(s), checklists, assessment instruments, etc.)

Designing Supportive Learning Environments

Kahoot account, pair of dice, large format for displaying how to play “Shut the Box” (Dry Erase Board, Elmo, Ect.).
“Shut the Box” game board handout and a pair of dice per group. Access to the internet via a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Resources, Access to the internet and a Kahoot login
(justify why needed or not needed)
Kahoot- To be used after the lesson has been taught and the game “Shut the Box” has been understood by all students.
Students will be able to compete against others in the class in a timed multiple choice interactive game online.

Classroom Arrangement
Classroom should be set up in table groups of 3 or 4 with access to the internet and large screen for viewing the computer display by the whole class.

Materials Management
Have one or two students pass out “Shut the Box” game board page. Have one or two students count the amount of dice to be passed out and then distribute one pair to each group after you have demonstrated how to play the game. Have the same students pick up and recount the dice after the game has been played.

Student Grouping
Students should ideally be in pairs but can be in groups up to four.

Technology Needs
Access to Internet and student access to internet via smartphones, tablets, or computers.

Safety Concerns
Dice should not be thrown, demonstrate how to roll them gently. Dice should not be put in mouths, nose, or ears.

Student Needs/Adaptations

Student A
Has a learning disability that impedes his ability to break down numbers into differing groups i.e. 8= 4+4, 2+6, 5+3, 7+1, 8+0.

Student needs to be able to see the total represented as individual units this can be done with the use of marbles, torn pieces of paper or a peer listing out the various combinations of numbers to achieve the desired total.
Student B
Is visually impaired

Student needs to be able to feel or hear the total that is desired. This can be achieved by a pair of dice with raised dots or a trusted partner who can call out totals. For the Kahoots game the student will need an auditory adaptation whether that is a student volunteer or a headset adapted for the technology in use.
Student C
Does not have use of hands

The student should be allowed to use whatever appendage is necessary to roll the dice, i.e. toes, or mouth. For closing out a box the student should have a trusted partner or have a tab to close that suits their ability. For the Kahoot game the student should have a trusted partner or adaptive technology.

Content Knowledge

  • What content do you (the teacher) need to know in order to teach this lesson? The teacher will need to know the principles of addition and the ability to manipulate numbers within an algebraic sentence.
What other connections do you need to know? The teacher will need to know how to use the technology, Kahoot as well as how to teach the strategy for manipulating the numbers in an algebraic sentence.
How will you make the content clear and meaningful to the students? The teacher will demonstrate how to play the game “Shut the Box” while involving the students in a discussion of possible strategies for winning the game.

  • What are some content-related responses you anticipate from your students? The students will be unsure of their choices of which boxes to close, therefore they should each have several opportunities to play the game to decide which strategies work best to get the most boxes “shut”. There should be a class discussion of the most successful strategies after game play is complete. As for the Kahoot game there may be some confusion over the wording/meaning of the questions and/or answers. If this is the case stop the game and lead a discussion on how to interpret meaning in a multiple choice problem.
What possible errors or misconceptions could the students make? During “Shut the Box”, students could not weigh all possible number combinations and therefore miss out on more opportunities to win. During the Kahoot game, students could not understand what the multiple choice question is looking for and therefore end up guessing the answer instead of working out the solution.
How can you correct these errors and misconceptions? If students continually end “Shut the Box” with high numbers, have them list all possible algebraic sentences within the total that they rolled, in this way the student has a visual representation of their choices by being able to cross out any sentence using already closed boxes. If the students do not understand the kahoot game questions, stop the game and do a sample problem with them create a dialogue about comprehension strategies and how to scan multiple choice answers for obvious wrong answers.

  • What are some anticipated student behaviors/comments as students are learning the concept/s or skill/s? Students may fight over materials and turn taking. Students may also have difficulty with manipulating their choices in number combinations. Students may not understand or get frustrated with multiple choice questions.
How can you be prepared? The teacher should model how to be good sports in the process of playing a game. The teacher should express the importance of turn taking and the value of being encouraging and gracious to one another. If the students are frustrated with not being able to answer in time the teacher may extend the timer amount. If it is a question of clarity the teacher should explain what the question is asking for and lead a discussion on comprehension strategies.

Instructional Strategies

The instructional model(s) utilized in this lesson is (are):

 _____Inquiry              ___X__  Direct Instruction      _____  Cooperative Learning 
_____Discovery Learning ____ Simulations               _____Other /specify________________

The teacher will…

Ask students what are numbers? Listen to response of students, then proceed to explain that numbers are simply symbols that represent an amount of units. The units can consists of objects, ideas, opinions etc.,

The student will…

Will participate by answering the question of what they think is a number, they then will listen to review of what numbers represent.
Type of formative assessment

The students will participate as a whole class in playing a quizzical game called kahoot, the teacher will then get a digital reading of what percent of her students are mastering manipulation and discriminative skills.
Approximate time

5 to 7 minutes
Be sure to include Content Area Literacy Strategies and ESL Strategies
The teacher will…

Say “Today we are going to learn about simple number operation in addition and focus on problem solving”, she will then ask the question of what is a number?  Teacher will then explain that “numbers as we know them for example 4 + 0 and 3 + 1 are just math problems that equal the same sum of 4, these are just symbols that represent units of something”. Teacher will then demonstrate on the black board that numbers can represent numbers, symbols or dots that can represent an amount and how you can manipulate them in different places and it will still remain the same value. The teacher will then give instruction on a game called “shut the box”. For the ESL the teacher will ask the student if they comprehend and go over more addition problems on the white board, manipulating and recalculating to show they are the same.  Math is universal so teacher just needs to make sure student recalls what they already know.

The student will…
Listen to the explanation the teacher is giving over what is a number, they will then answer the question of what they think a number is.  They will then be instructed to draw a 2 by 5 box with numbers 1 thru 9, they then will be instructed to use a set of two numbers that equal the amount on the die they roll to get a number but they will be warned that they can only use a number once and they will attempt to use up all the numbers in the box or as close as they can to close up all the boxes.  The person who has the least amount of boxes open wins the round.  For ESL student will be given the more time to process and recall prior knowledge of numbers.  Will be done in groups so it will be a collaborative effort and if needed student can have a one on one instruction explained in more detail.                     

Type of formative assessment
The teacher will walk around and monitor and assists those who are having trouble figuring out what to do.

Approximate time
20 minutes
CLOSURE (keep this short (2-3 min); summarize the lesson, & focus on important skills learned)
The teacher will…

Instruct the student to get their technology gadget out. I-pads, cell phones or computers to participate in an interactive quiz about differentiating different sets of numbers.  Teacher will have set up the game and observe to see if her students are getting the concept of manipulation of numbers does not change the sum. 

The student will…
Respond to the game on Kahoot, playing against their classmates and paying attention to the problems and figuring out how to solve and determining if they are the same or different.  For ESL they can do in a collaborative group. 
Type of formative assessment
At the end of the game a panel will be shown of the percentage of correct and incorrect answers therefore the teacher will get a visual of the percent amount of her whole classroom who get the concept of number manipulation and problem solving.
Approximate time
(must be short: 1-3 min)
3 minutes.

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