Name(s): Andrea Clark Section: 05
Subject: Social Studies Grade
Level: 4th
Title of Lesson: A Living System: Our Government, Personified
Association for Childhood Education
International (ACEI) Elementary Education Standards
Please check the appropriate strand.
_____ Number and Operations and Algebra _____ Physical
__X___ Integrated study of history
_____ Measurement and Geometry _____ Life _____ Geography
_____ Data Analysis and Probability _____
Earth/Space __X___ Social Sciences
Establishing the Lesson Framework
Texas Essential Knowledge
& Skills: §113.15. Social Studies (15) Government.
The student understands important ideas in historical documents of Texas and
the United States. The student is expected to:
(A) identify the
purposes and explain the importance of the Texas Declaration of Independence,
the Texas Constitution, and other documents such as the Meusebach-Comanche
(B) identify and
explain the basic functions of the three branches of government according to
the Texas Constitution; and
(C) identify the
intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S.
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (Celebrate Freedom Week).
Objective(s): The student
will identify important features of Texas government including, three branches
of government, the Declaration of Independence, and the Texas Constitution. The
student will also be able to explain the roles of important figures in Texas
government history such as Governor Ann Richards and Henry B. Gonzales.
Rationale for teaching this
lesson: When using competition and team work students not only has to
understand the important ideas in historical documents of Texas and the United
States. The student is has to be able to relay that information to their peers.
In this way the students have to have in depth knowledge of their subject in
order to be successful in the game.
Content Area Literacy Strategy:
By using the Tea Party CALS students reinforce their subject fluency as they
teach other students. They learn more about the vocabulary words used in the
text and deepen their understanding of the big ideas of the lesson as they
explain, listen to peers, and talk about the themes with classmates.
English Language Proficiency
Standard (ELPS): 1) construct meaning
from oral presentations and literary and informational text through
grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing 2) participate in grade-appropriate oral and
written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer,
audience, or reader comments and questions 3) speak and write about
grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics
Evaluation Strategies
Question and answer strategy
where the teacher connects this lesson to what they have learned previously
about the 3 branches of government, key documents, and players in the history
of Texas government.
Assessment(s): Observation,
Questioning, Discussion, Written Response
Assessment: Exit ticket detailing 3 new
pieces of information they have about Texas Government.
Designing Supportive Learning
Poster Paper, Markers, Leaf
Printables with names of relevant Texas government terms and personalities,
Scissors, Tape
Crayons, Textbook or access
to the internet
Social Studies Textbook,
Texas Government Websites
Textbook, Texas Government
why needed or not needed)
Access to internet if no
textbook available
Access to internet if no
textbook available
Classroom Arrangement
Two large study group
tables with a large walkway in middle leading up to the board.
Materials Management
Materials provided by
Student Grouping
Students divided into two
to four competing teams
Technology Needs
Internet access if no
textbook is available
Safety Concerns
This lesson involves
racing. The teacher must remind students that they need to be aware of their
bodies in relation to others and objects surrounding them.
Student Needs/Adaptations
Student A
Written instructions and
timer reminders of responsibilities
Student B
Peer support and para-aide
Student C
ELL Advanced Level
Visual clues and
Content Knowledge
The specific content knowledge needed for the teacher
to know for this lesson includes: identifying important features of Texas
government including, three branches of government and their working
relationships, the Declaration of Independence, and the Texas Constitution. The
teacher should also be able to explain the roles of important figures in Texas
government history such as Governor Ann Richards and Henry B. Gonzales.
Other connections to learning that
the teacher must know are which branches of government civic jobs fall under
i.e., Governor- executive branch, J.P. - judicial branch.
students will make the content meaningful and clear to one another through tea
party discussions, the teacher will facilitate by directing students to their
subjects relevant information
should be able to distinguish between jobs in government and how each branch
works with one another to keep the system in balance.
may have trouble understanding the difference between branches and why they
should care about the functions of our government.
teacher may use School House Rock videos and examples of why the government is
a living system and their role in progress toward a more equitable future.
may have trouble listening to one another teach the concepts, they may also
have trouble understanding what they are reading in order to decipher what is
important information to convey to the other team members.
prepared by using frequent reminders of the competition at the end of the
lesson and reading and discussing information as needed with students.
Instructional Strategies
The instructional model(s)
utilized in this lesson is (are):
__X___ Guided Inquiry _____ Direct Instruction __X___ Cooperative Learning
__X___ Challenge _____
Open Inquiry _X____ Five E
The teacher will…
Introduce lesson as a
competition that requires them to work together as a team.
Explain that the point of
the research that they are about to do is for the benefit of the team. There
is no point to it if their team members do not listen to each person’s definitions
and pay attention to the color of the leaf for the subject they are defining.
The student will…
Listen to the guidelines
for the competition, afterwards they are to get into a critical thinking mode
of behavior, attention to detail, focus on main ideas, metacognition.
Type of formative Assessment
Approximate time
5 mins.
The Students will:
Work together which
requires that students have patience, focus, and cooperation. Therefore, the
students will work together to help each other find and interpret information
gathered on a subject. Once information has been achieved, the shorthand
definition will be put on the corresponding leaf for the definition. The student
will then color the leaf in a unique design, lightly as to still be able to
see the definition and term.
The Teacher will:
Be available to any student
who needs help with discerning pertinent information or to redirect those who
have gotten off-task.
The Students will:
Either be a good audience
member by taking notes on the color and content of each leaf while remaining
silent unless they need clarification on a subject or teaching their own
subjects to their team.
The Teacher will:
Be available to redirect or
assist with informational/content needs.
The Students will:
Participate in a one on one
race to find the leaf that corresponds with the clues the teacher gives. The
students must remember to maintain a safe distance between themselves while
racing. Once a leaf has been selected it will be handed to the teacher.
The Teacher will:
Facilitate the game and
reiterate the subject with the definition each time one is found.
The Students will:
Decide which branch of
government a subject falls under or if it is a civic duty instead
The Teacher will:
Award an extra point when
the correct branch is named or argued affectively for the placement
30-50 mins. according to
time restraints
(15-25 mins. for both
information gathering and Tea Party Time)
The teacher will…
Provide index cards for
exit ticket and a HOT question about the lesson
The student will…
Fill out exit ticket
Type of formative assessment
Questioning, Discussion
Approximate time
5 mins.
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